Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Chicken-Man meets MAN-CHICKEN!

From "The Origin of Man-Chicken!" in Chicken-Man #273, April-May 1973 (reprinted in Chicken-Man Family Giant Special #7, Summer 1978, and in The Greatest Chicken-Man Stories Ever Told, Nostalgia Press, 2003):

Dr. Francis Putney Willmott, noted researcher at Perdue Laboratories, is on the verge of a breakthrough in his attempt to breed that Holy Grail of the poultry farming industry, the boneless chicken, when an experiment goes horribly wrong! You know the rest, pilgrim!


Sloth said...

hahahah, mike youre the man, booo everyone else

Michael Gushulak said...

Thankee kindly. Sorry it's late, but Ruby Gloom has had me by the collar lately. Don't be hard on the others; they too have Ruby Glooms in their lives.