Wednesday, May 9, 2007

First post, Welcome all !

Harro everyboady

dis brog for evereone who want participate in a weekry design and sketchbrog
dis brog everyone wercom, eny year any schoolhouse,

onry critewia is u must rike drawr very vewy much
and try post when you can ... arso being communist very big bonus,
but if not that ok

so come join brog and have many Best Super Fun Draw Times


Kim Jong Il #2


Regless said...

Class of 2008 representin, looks cool. Sign me up Scotty.

Michael Gushulak said...

I'm game. Where do I sign?

Joanna Chan said...

More people, more drawings and more fun!

Thanks, Sloth!

Skid Knee said...


Regless said...

Eh sorry about that, Name is Kuga-Maru and the email is

Sloth said...

no prob, welcome aboard